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Updated: Aug 9, 2020

Most of the fields of entertainment calls for the full use of technology from early stages of content development to the last stages of content circulation. This include movie and music production. The spark of the COVID 19 pandemic have emphasized that technology should now be the main tool to effective activity in all processes of life. This implies in the entertainment industry too.

Many artists relied in the physical contact to make money from the content they made in the entertainment industry, South African rapper and business man Casper confessed through a Facebook post that a number of artist were going to loose everything due to lack of earning from their content.

Indeed Casper was telling the truth. The restrictions brought about by the COVID 19 pandemic implied that is was now the survival of the fittest and new concept needed to be adopted for artists and other influencers in the entertainment industry to survive, No one was prepared. The reality is that now the whole world is changing the economical cycle. Economist will term this the industrialization cycle and according to them, we are now entering the 4th industrial stage where by everything must be done on the web. about 30% of the world's population have in fact turned to online resources including buying and selling. It is time for everyone to learn the concept and adapt it to his or her daily lives.

Eswatini's entertainment population on the other hand have tried to implement technology in their processes, however they faced so many challenges in using the different forms of technology in doing their processes. They have turned to social media platforms for marketing, tried cloud storage to circulate their product and content but they have not however been able to make enough money from the market through the internet, This is so unfortunate because this days making money through the internet is the only option since gatherings were banned in the country. So how can one make sure he still makes more from the internet regardless of the situation?

First of all it is of importance to know the type of content you are circulating. Different sites are used to circulate different types of content. Pintrest for example, it only caters for the circulation of images while soundcloud only allows mp3 formats, or sound tracks. Content providers need to therefore create channels on this relevant platforms and product providers create online stores. There are a number of sites the entertainers can choose from to make money from their product and content. There following are five recommend by Lunner

Some of the websites require you to invest a few Emalangeni in order to start earning. This is where most of the youth get lost. They do not trust online sites as they believe they are scams. But just like Jay Z says, you've gotta loose something in order to gain something. Until one masters that concept, he will never earning from the internet.

It is also important to not the internet platform you are going to use to for your entertainment business. Just like in real life, the internet too is also not safe as they are always a number of people who are waiting to gain from the mistakes or the little knowledge of others. This people may be hackers or scammers. Hackers or scammers are not the only threat in using the internet but also viruses can also be a problem as they can alter the content and destroy it quality. It is therefore important for one to make sure that he or she uses trusted websites with trusted severs to circulate or market his or her product. Minimize the use of easy and cheap websites as they are the most unsafe websites on the internet.

Most of the entertainment population in Eswatini is uneducated about the use of technology and the internet in earning as much as they can. It is then key for those individuals who still lack confidence in using technology and the internet to circulate their content while they gain and maintain a large portion of the market share to find a person who has the sufficient knowledge in this field. It may not be a person in some cases but can be a company, for Example Lunner Promotions. Whilst the artist worry about making the product or content, the company can worry about making the sales on the net for the artist.

The world is getting ready to enter a new era and it is key that everyone must be prepared to enter and survive in this new era.



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