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Updated: Dec 9, 2023

Zikomo Africa award nominee and Ngabe Yini hit maker shares the moment of truth with the team. It is a delightful moment for us to get to share her story.

After we published the article 'The Stage is set for the Queen: Will she conquer?' we had the opportunity to have answers from the queens mouth. Making trends in the music industry lately, the queen left the public hanging on a number of topics pertaining her life and career. Light spirited and kind heartedly, Sphesihle Shongwe AKA Lady Sphesh opened up the pages of her life and allowed us to write her story.

Commentary: Independently working since the start of her music career, Lady Sphesh has always been working so hard to write, make and distribute her music. She has gotten good in what she does and her brand image is currently on the surge, with 10 000 followers on her Facebook page.

Lady Sphesh: "I do everything for myself. Everything from radio airplays, newspaper articles to music video shoots all rests on my shoulders...".

Commentary: Her hard and determination provided her with the opportunity of working with South African's famous Dj TPZ. Lady Sphesh was overwhelmed and over excited with the opportunity at hand. Even though It took her hardly a year to attract and gain the attention of the star, her mind and focus were caught to bcoming in Dj TPZ's radar.

Lady Sphesh: "It took me the whole of last year to catch Dj TPZ's attention. At first he was worried to whether my type of style was going to blend with his beats. So I had to prove myself to him and impress that is why I made a whole EP just to make him see that i'm cut out for it".

Commentary: Lady Sphesh has recently completed her tertiary studies for secondary education. She however mentioned that undertaking such a course was just to please her mom, showing him that she can. She has no plans of giving up music but want to do more of it. Her love for music remains deeper and bigger.

Lady Sphesh: "Most of Eswatini artists make the mistake of taking breaks from music. I promised myself that I will never ever take a break from music. It is something I love and do best and I don't see myself doing anything else other than music. I just completed my tertiary studies for secondary education and this was something I was doing for the sake of my mother.

Commentary: She is born and bred in Eswatini but she plans to move to Johannesburg next year. With the high levels of biasness and seggregation in the entertainment industry in the country, Lady Sphesh highlighted that the key players in the industry remain captured which has been one of the biggest problems in the country for some time. Opportunities for radio airplays, being played in the national television, getting booked for events and so many more remain almost impossible for artists still on the come up. Lady Sphesh mentioned that there are very good artists in Eswatini but they have a difficult time showcasing their talents. Those who are suppose to aid in their come up are captured in supporting the same type of people. Infact blood and status comes first.

Lady Sphesh: "I have been and lived in Johannesburg and I am planning to move to there next year. I feel like there's no support here in Eswatini. Emaswati only celebrate you once you die. Jo'burg is like our America. Artists turn to stars there, take for instance Uncle Waffles. South Africans are loyal, they know how to recognize and apprciate good talent unlike our own people. Here in Eswatini, there is this sense of jealousy amongst ourselves. Our very own local TV and radio stations are clouded with South African music. One asks herself what's missing since we have good music in the country. My very own music have never been featured in the radio charts in the country but that does not worry me. Some of my songs had been featured in intenational roylity paying charts and I am able to gain motivation and income from them. So yeah, I am planning to move to Jo'burg with the hope of greener pastures".

Commentary: The queen however did not feel like she owns the moment since there are very good artists besides her like YoungZesh and Lyrikal Busta. Yes the numbers are up but she feels like she is not there yet. Her target is to becoming the best artist from the land. Looking at the journey ahead, she still sees herself as an upcoming artist. She put her successes on luck. Lady Sphesh remains consistant and she's not comparing herself to anyonee else. She feels like she will survive longer in the music industry since her dedication is entirely on music.

Lady Sphesh: " I won't say i'm currently owning the entertainment industry because there are many guys out there that are doing well such as Lyrika Busta and YoungZesh. I am just doing me, promoting Lady Sphesh as a brand so I feel like I am not exactly where I want to be. I still consider myself as an upcoming myself since everything is on me and my very own pocket. I am just luck to be doing so well as compared to other upcoming artists".

Commentary: She is currently not affiliated with any stable or recording brand but hopes to join a team soon. Her ties with TNS Savvy are through blood rather than professional. TNS Savvy is a brother to Lady Sphesh and she has grown to become her best friend. TNS Savvy is a producer who is based in Kwaluseni and the duo are currently working on a project together which they plan to release March next year. We were so eager to know about her relationship with Percy P and it was a hard ask but the queen did spill the beans, Percy P is out of the picture, atleast not totally since they own a child together.

Lady Sphesh: "I am independent and yeah I planning to join a team that promises success , I'll deffintitly join that team. Being an artist is not easy. You have to do a lot of things and when your are independent it's challenging. it requires a lot of emotional and physical energy"

"Percy P was my first boyfriend, my first in everything. We have a kid together and we are co parenting and yes we broke up. Umjolo (luaghs.....). We broke up early last year so yeah I am single and i've been single for a year and months. I DON'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND. What I can say is that I have learned a lesson from publicizing everything about yourself, in particluar your relationship."

Well that a wraps. It is always exciting and educational to have this interviews. I hope you learnt from the star and do leave a comment below.

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1 Comment

Sandziswa Mndzebele
Sandziswa Mndzebele
Dec 09, 2023

Her music is amazing. I just love lady Sphssh❤❤


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