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Student, Model and Business lady – the one woman power house that is Felicity talks modelling and business with LunnerMag.

Ever since after her high school level, Felicity have become more than a model. She has paved her way into the business world and transformed the way we perceive the power of a young lady to change how we see ourselves and each other. At age 21, she has already achieved so much.

Women born at Felicity’s time live in a period of digitalization. Everything is happening within their reach and new opportunities are presenting themselves each day. It however takes a brilliant mind to spot and utilize the opportunity profitable. More woman at Felicity’s age have tried with all their might to use the opportunity but they have failed.

During the talks between Felicity and the team, the major thing I spotted is how she is passionate about becoming an inspiration to women. “Flowers, like women, are all gorgeous in their own unique way. I want to inspire women to embrace their uniqueness” she said.

LunnerMag: Thank you very much for agreeing to do this interview and it is an honor to have you in the magazine. So tell me, Who is Felicity?

Felicity: Felicity is a 21-year-old female who dabbles in business. I’m in my final year of University at the University of Eswatini (UNESWA). On the side I hustle. I am a model, own a spaza shop at Ngwane Park, provide cash loan services and also do some farming. Coming to modeling, last year at the Jumbo Lifestyle Awards I earned my first award for being an iconic female model. I adore fashion, adore getting dressed up and I also adore taking photographs. I also enjoy spending time with my girls but above everything, I enjoy making money.

LunnerMag: What made you choose the modelling path?

Felicity: I didn’t intend to pursue a career in modelling, I suppose it picked me (laughs a bit). I obtained a job at Millennium Trends after high school, where they sell and rent evening gowns. I was tasked to advertise the outfits and so that where it all began and today, here we are.

LunnerMag: You are always in shape and shining, how do you do that?

Felicity: To be honest, there isn’t much. I tried going to the gym at school but it didn’t work out. It didn’t even last a week. Also, at home I tried several workouts but that didn’t last as a result, I gave up. So, I don’t really do that much to keep in shape.

LunnerMag: University and modelling, how do you cope with the two?

Felicity: It’s not that difficult. When I’m at school, I only concentrate on my studies. I only do photoshoots on weekends.

LunnerMag: Do you feel like the entertainment industry has been friendlier to you ever since you joined modelling?

Felicity: Yes, I believe so. Many people seem to love my work. When I upload content on social media, the feedback I get is incredible. I don’t consider myself a model but people keep calling me one. They keep asking me questions about modelling and other things related to modelling. I’ve been asked to be a judge for Mr. and Mrs. Freshers 2020 at Mbabane Campus and Swazi Studio chose me to be their brand ambassador. So I’d say the entertainment industry has been kind to me.

LunnerMag: You were once featured in a music video by Emisofly, please tell me how was the experience and do you feel like the experience contributed positively towards your modelling career?

Felicity: Oh my god, the experience was incredible. I enjoy seeing myself on television but I was young at that time. I had no idea what I was doing (laughs a bit). Yes, I believe it positively influenced my modelling career because a number of local brands and photographers approached me and asked me to model their clothing. Other artists too did approach me and requested that I appear in their music videos. However, due to a hectic schedule that includes school, photoshoots, business and social life, I rarely have time to make music videos. I however did feature in one late last year. I have no idea though when it will be available.

LunnerMag: What can you say to that girl at home who is aspiring to be a model but hasn’t found the courage?

Felicity: Take care of yourself, eat well and believe in your ability to achieve anything you truly desire. I have come to realize that you can do anything if you believe in yourself and you are confident in your abilities.

LunnerMag: So, Felicity, what is your inspiration in life?

Felicity: Flowers, like women, are gorgeous in their own unique way. I want to inspire women to embrace their uniqueness.

LunnerMag: Are you affiliated with any modelling agency in the country and if you are, how is the relationship with the modelling agency?

Felicity: I am currently the brand ambassador of Swazi Studio. They sell Swazi local brands. I am not going to get into too much detail about it. However, my contract with them is about to expire.

LunnerMag: Lastly, please tell me what are your future plans in the modelling industry?

Felicity: A great deal. I have a long list of things I want to do in the future but to mention one, I’d like to open my own modelling agency. Young people with the desire for modelling should be groomed.

That it for us and thank you to Felicity for the time and opportunity. We hope every aspiring model will learn a few things from her as she was also a dreamer before she became an icon.



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